You can boost your life only when you shift your mindset from a worrying state to a contentment state. As worry can drag you to the dark well of dissatisfaction
Creativity is producing something new, engaging the mind at work. The by product is the outcome at the expense of imagination or any original ideas.
The ability to perceive the world in new ways and to find hidden patterns is creativity. A creative mind can make connections between unrelated phenomena and generate solutions.
The monotony and solitude of a quite life stimulates the creative mind.
Albert Einstein
You can boost your life only when you shift your mindset from a worrying state to a contentment state. As worry can drag you to the dark well of dissatisfaction
Being happy is a mindset, no one can give you and snatch from you back. The great personalities have shared some guidance from their experiences about happiness.
The color is one of the beautiful creations of God. Without it, life would have been colorless. Do you know it directly influences the soul?