October 29, 2020
Press Your Creator Button

Trying to be a creator is more helpful than being a controller. As there are many things in life that are beyond your control.

October 28, 2020
A Lovely Gift From Maternal Uncle

As winter is near the corner, a warm and cosy sleeping bag for a baby is necessary. The sleeping bag conceals every part of the body except the face.

October 26, 2020
Memories Are Always Dearest

Memories are dearest to all, no matter how bitter they are. They are the assets that build up during a lifetime and remain until the end.

October 25, 2020
Ruditya's Heartfelt Tribute: Joining the Nation in Honouring Healthcare Heroes | Watch the Video

Pandemic 2020 saw the outbreak of Coronavirus. It compelled the whole world to be locked down. Different people tried different techniques in their capacity.

October 25, 2020
To Ward Of Fears From Mind

The dreams in your heart will fuel you to achieve the success you desire. But the fear in your mind drags behind you. It refrains you to take calculative risks.

October 24, 2020
Courage Is Most Important

Why is courage so important? It gives power to your mind to follow and practice other necessary virtues to sustain in life.

October 15, 2020
Meeting Aunt And Sister

Ruditya is introduced to his aunt and sister for the first time. He was happy to meet them. Pictures tell more than words.

October 14, 2020
Winter Essentials: Embracing the Cold with Ruditya's First Winter

The winter is the protective time for a baby. It is the time when most of the care is taken so that it does not fall prey to diseases.

October 13, 2020
Gentle Moments: Bathing Baby Ruditya for a Happy, Healthy Start

Some babies find it hard with the idea of the bath, while others get excited. The baby bath is cleaning for hygiene and comfort.

October 12, 2020
Happy Moments With Ruditya

The babies always create moments. Every move, the blink of an eye, the cute smile, playful moves, the movement during sleep, and many more get stored in our memory as moments.

October 11, 2020
Capturing Precious Moments: A Photo Collection with Grandma - Part 2

Grandmother or granny spent more time with the baby, in families where both the parents work outside. It creates a special bond between them.

October 10, 2020
Some Pictures With Mom-Part 1

The mother or mom is the epitome of love. She can hear sentences in the silence of her child. Her intuitions are the greater guide in the upbringing of her child.

October 9, 2020
Memorable Moments with Grandma: Part 1 - A Heartwarming Photo Journey

Grandparents are always favorite for a baby. They are the repository of wisdom and the ocean of love. The kids are happy when they pose with Granny.

October 8, 2020
First Gift Of Life

When Ruditya was born, family and relatives showered their blessings and love in the form of gifts. One such gift was a mosquito repellent net from Uncle

October 7, 2020
Capturing Precious Moments: Ruditya's First Toy

Ruditya's memory of a first toy is a unique one as it is too handy for his little hand. He can hold it with ease and shake it to produce the desired sound.

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